Friday, June 25, 2021

Spheres of Reality - Part 02: The Personal Layer

You know that feeling when you try to describe something that you can’t quite put into words that no one else seems to “get” about you? That is what the Personal Sphere is.

This is the sphere of reality from which all of us view the rest of it from. Trying to escape it is a lot like trying to step outside of your own consciousness. Impossible and incomprehensible. Nothing screams more loudly that “reality is subjective” than this. It will always color what you think, how you come to conclusions, everything.

It is the house in which our perceptions and per-conceived notions lays its head to rest, the one thing we’re all alone with at the end of the day.

It is the sphere which the true self resides and hides from all but us.

It is also one of the reasons we will never be able to comprehend the true nature of the Omni-Reality and can only hope to come as close to it as we can.

Pretty frustrating prospect, isn’t it? It’s the metaphysically version of those eye floaters that we can only see. We can only hope that others will be more than willing to poke their heads out of their own zones and make aspects of our personal reality part of their own so they can see those things too. Though even that has its limits. No matter how insightful, emotionally smart and empathetic a person is, unless they share an attribute with you that is a part of something someone has to deal with o a regular, their perspective and insight into that thing, whatever it is, will be incomplete because it isn’t something that the outsiders has to deal with as an omnipresent part of their life.

Aren’t limitations of perspective a pain in the ass?

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